Can I Limit Access to a Free Stream with Dacast Live Streaming?

There are a few security measures that you can use to limit access to free streams on our live streaming platform.

One way is to set a password for your stream. You can set this up by going to the stream that you set up in your Dacast account and click the “Security” tab. 

Click the padlock icon to unlock or set a password. Only those with the password will be able to view the stream.

Another option is to place the Dacast video player behind a login page on your own website. Note that you would have to develop this website yourself which can get a bit tricky.

Once you’ve set up the Dacast video player behind the login, you could ration out who is given access. In that way, you could control the number of viewers you would have.

Finally, you can use referrer and geo-restrictions to limit access to your videos.

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Ruth Young

Ruth is a Customer Success Specialist with experience in digital video platforms as well as technology companies in Silicon Valley and beyond.