Search Results for: video player

How to Choose an Online Video Platform for Publishers

How to Choose an Online Video Platform for Publishers

  Content publishers are increasingly relying on live streaming video as an important tool in their professional toolbox. According to Publishing Executive magazine, “video has become a standard component of the content mix for media brands.” Companies of all sorts, from traditional media to educational businesses, to entertainment and OTT publishers, stream live video as […]

How to Launch an Online Video Education Platform

How to Launch an Online Video Education Platform

  This article will explore how to launch an online video education platform. Specifically, we’ll examine what sort of features you need for educational, online video. Once you know what features you need, it’s easy to choose the right online video platform and start creating and sharing content. First, let’s consider the increasingly central role […]

Best Streaming Solutions for Video Marketing (2019)

  Video marketing is widely used in modern business. According to We are Social, 70% of marketers plan to use video marketing in 2019. These numbers make sense. Another data set from Animoto’s Social Video Forecast suggests that 76.5% of marketers and small business owners are seeing measurable results with video marketing. In this blog post, […]

Case Study: How BigTrends Delivers High-Quality On-Demand Education Videos


  BigTrends is an online publishing company that specializes in providing investors with real-time trading options and investment education. Over the past 15 years, BigTrends founder and CEO Price Headley has become a regular fixture in financial news media. Among others, these media outlets include CNBC, Bloomberg Television, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. […]

Success Story: How Callahan & Associates Are Using Video to Respond to Changing Market Needs

Callahan associates Case Study

  Callahan & Associates have been providing cutting-edge insight and leadership to credit union industry decision-makers for over 25 years. As such, they believe that co-operation is key for credit unions to be more responsive to the market and member needs. In fact, C&A aims to provide insight into the trends and innovative practices that […]