Search Results for: video player

What is the Best Video Live Streaming Solution for TV Stations?

The TV industry is changing rapidly. After more than a half-century of dominance, traditional TV broadcasts are fading in popularity.  Starting in 2015, young millennials (ages 14-25) began watching more video on digital devices than on television. One poll found that 59 percent of respondents prefer live videos online vs live TV. This trend is […]

How to Create Video Playlists with Folders on Dacast

Dacast allows you to create Playlists to group multiple videos into a single player that you can embed anywhere to allow the playback of several videos in one place. These video content management tools help you keep your content organized and accessible.  Start with a Folder Before you create a Playlist you’ll need to create […]

Video Monetization: How to Set up the Cleeng Paywall with Dacast

Dacast - Video Monetization and Paywall

Some Dacast users opt to use the Cleeng paywall for video monetization with Dacast. In order to use this paywall, you’ll need both Dacast and Cleeng accounts. If you are not already a Cleeng customer, you can register here. When is Cleeng Paywall More Useful than Dacast Paywall?  Dacast’s paywall provides an English-based, white-label paywall […]

Can I Set a Live Stream Thumbnail for the Player?

Yes, you can set a live stream thumbnail for your video player on Dacast.  Here are the steps to set up a video thumbnail: STEP 1: Go to the “Engagement” tab on either your live stream or VOD channel.  STEP 2: Once you are there, navigate to “Brand Image.” This will enable you to add […]