You can have up to 999,999 promo codes on your pay-per-view streaming pricing. This limit is per channel and not an account-wide limit on the Dacast’s pay-per-view streaming platform. More on Video Monetization Dacast’s secure paywall has made it easy for users to monetize their video content with both pay-per-view and subscription methods. In […]
CATEGORY ARCHIVES: KNOWLEDGE BASESearch Results for: video player
A I was billed from DACAST INC, what was this? If you haven’t signed up for a Dacast account and are seeing this on your credit card statement, chances are you bought access to a stream/video recently from one of our live streaming customers or partners. So either you did a Pay-Per-View for an […]
The longest subscription window is biannual, meaning 6 months. However, you can get a much higher subscription window with Pay Per View (PPV) if you wish. For a PPV, there is room for four characters to be entered in for the span of time. Therefore, to set it for the greatest length of time […]
A Which Dacast Embed Code Should I Use? Dacast provides two embed code options for live streaming: JS and iframe. Both of these work for playback on your website or app via desktop and mobile devices as long as the content itself supports it. The JS embed code is the default embed code for Dacast, […]
Please read the following carefully before creating a low latency channel in your DaCast account: 1/ Low latency channels with Safari Our secure low latency html5 streaming solution works on most devices and all browsers exceptSafari desktop(working on Safari mobile for iOS version 10 and below). *This is because we use Akamai’s standard cookie-based token […]