Dacast’s Partners Get access to the best of the streaming industry with Dacast We want to offer you the best streaming experience possible at the best price. That’s why we’ve partnered with a selection of great companies so you can access a fully integrated streaming platform will all the tools you need. GET STARTED FREE […]
Search Results for: video encoding
Online video streaming quality plays a massive role in the viewer experience. Video quality is so essential that OTT broadcasters risk revenue losses of up to 25% when their streaming quality is compromised. Transcoding and encoding are two essential processes that help broadcasters maintain high-quality streams. Cloud transcoding, in particular, is a newer […]
There are many reasons why a growing number of schools now use a live streaming service provider. Live streaming solutions can enable students to attend class remotely when they can’t attend in person. With video streaming, schools can record lessons and make the video available on demand. This can help students to quickly make […]
When people watch your videos, you don’t want them to think about the video player. You just want it to work. A modern online video player should be fast, feature-rich, and compatible with any device. And that’s just what you get with Dacast’s HTML5 player. In this post, we’re excited to announce our new […]