Online video streaming is becoming more and more popular as people “cut the cord” on cable and traditional television. The OTT industry, which provides streaming video solutions like Netflix and Hulu, is doing particularly well since more than 69% of U.S. households subscribe to at least one streaming service. For any business aiming to get […]
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The online broadcasting industry is constantly evolving to enhance the streaming experience for broadcasters and viewers alike. RTMP and HLS are two protocols that software engineers have tested in a few different roles in an attempt to optimize the live streaming process. Although RTMP (real-time messaging protocol) is currently the most popular protocol for ingest, […]
One of the central elements for live streaming is efficient live streaming encoding software (or hardware). This tool is responsible for transcoding video from one format to another. It also allows you to capture video content from a previously selected source such as a webcam, camera, or phone. You can then send this content to […]
Over the last decade, live videos have become easier to do, primarily due to advances in streaming software. Streaming software allows anyone from a newbie to an advanced broadcaster to create live streams easily. In fact, free streaming on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram has made it even more straightforward. The global enterprise video […]
While MacOS is more popular than ever, Windows still enjoys a massive 74% share of users on the market. With that said, MacOS usage has soared and now accounts for 100.4 Million desktop users of the macOS in the US. Many of its bases include multimedia professionals and business users. For this reason among many, […]