Live streaming is easier than ever before. However, it’s still a technical process. There are a lot of things to get right. That said, do you want to know how to live stream events effectively? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog article, we cover a number of streaming solutions […]
Search Results for: live streaming
Live video will account for 17% of internet video traffic by 2022. Do that math, and that’s a 15-fold growth since 2017. Clearly, companies are increasingly investing in ways to stream live video as a central element in their business. And relatedly, the more data that decision-makers can access, the better the business outcomes […]
Over the past decade, we’ve seen the transformation of the consumer entertainment marketplace. In particular, TV has declined as online video has exploded. Now, a similar revolution is taking place when it comes to enterprise video streaming. Today, it’s easier than ever to use enterprise streaming video solutions to benefit your business at all […]
Recommended Tips for Your Live Stream Event Hardwire your internet connection at the event venue whenever possible (because the strength of WiFi connection can be unstable) Go early to test the audio and video of your stream. You can use your “Share Link” to test the stream, this can be found in the “Sharing” section […]
2019 has been a major year for the live streaming industry. We’ve seen acquisitions, market shifts, and technological innovations. Every video streaming platform is becoming more capable than ever. At the same time, some of the big players have taken steps to differentiate themselves from the competition This updated article will review some of […]