Search Results for: live streaming

Using Copyrighted and Public Domain Video Clips

Using Copyrighted and Public Domain Video Clips

  There are many reasons why a broadcaster might want to use film clips from other people’s production as part of a video stream. A broadcaster might be doing a critique of another film — obviously clips from that film would be appropriate. Newsreel footage clearly adds much to a historical video. There are many […]

TV Worldwide, VE Day Event Case Study

tv-worldwide case study

TV Worldwide has long been a pioneer in the world of live video streaming. However, the scale of 2015’s VE Day Memorial flyover was something the size of which TV Worldwide had not attempted previously. The VE Day Memorial flyover saw 56 WWII military planes fly across the Potomac River and over Washington D.C., before completing their final […]

Referers and Restrictions for Embedded Video Players

Video Player Restrictions

Video piracy, which is defined as the unauthorized use of audio or visual works that violates any copyright, is a huge issue in today’s virtual sharing world. No one can really know for sure the damage piracy wreaks on the economy, but estimates that piracy “costs the U.S economy between $200 and $250 billion […]

Prevent Multiple Logins for Pay Per View

Prevent Multiple Logins for Pay Per View

  Looking for a way to prevent multiple logins for Pay Per View? You have come to the right place. DaCast has developed securities that will prevent viewers from sharing login access. This will stop people from watching video content simultaneously with only one registered buy. This will protect both subscription and Pay Per View video […]

How to Make Videos with 508 Compliance?

How to Make Videos with 508 Compliance Image

  We hear every now and then that having your content 508 compliant is important, but what is 508 compliance? Section 508 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which requires that electronic information technology, procured, maintained or used by the Federal government be accessible to people with disabilities. It is important to […]