Search Results for: live streaming

The State of the OTT Solutions Industry in 2019

We got back from NAB 2019 a few weeks ago. Whew! At the event, there were 100,000 professionals from the media, tech, streaming solutions, and entertainment industries, all in one room. There were also some great new tech on display, including Teradek’s new wireless 4K solutions. Of course, we could talk about fun new cameras […]

Ebook: How to Professionally Plan and Produce Video for Business

Introduction The video streaming market is experiencing massive growth. Overall, the video streaming industry is predicted to be worth $70.5 billion by 2021. Within that industry, live streaming is making up the majority of the expected growth over the next few years. In the words of marketing expert Neil Patel, “Live streaming is accessible and […]

Success Story: How Quondos Built the First SEO eLearning Platform for Spanish Marketers

Quondos Case Study

  Quondos is the first and largest Spanish-language eLearning platform dedicated exclusively to SEO and online marketing tips. The company began when Carlos Bravo and Alex Navarro ( decided to compete to see who could create the most profitable online project within a one-year period. eLearning with Quondos: From Concept to Success Story Founder Alex […]

Business Video Hosting Platforms vs. YouTube

  In today’s world, YouTube is the dominant social video platform. In some cases, this consumer-grade platform can be a good choice for easy video hosting. However, it’s not right for everyone–and especially when it comes to professional video hosting and streaming. As a result, businesses often choose professional video hosting platforms, which is the […]

6 Easy Ways to Increase ROI for Your Online Training Videos

  The eLearning industry is booming. Educational video is one of the fastest-growing categories of digital media. Globally, the number of students enrolled in higher education has more than doubled since the year 2000. Young people today are “digital natives” who desire their education in a digital format such as online training videos. This blog […]