Search Results for: live streaming

Virtual Graduation Live Streaming: What You Need to Know [2023 Update]

Virtual Graduation Live Streaming_ What You Need to Know Image

Schools use live video broadcasting for many things, including remote learning for students, and live streaming sporting events and theater productions.  Since the coronavirus outbreak, students, high schools, and universities have been forced to step into a “new normal”. That meant most teaching happened over a zoom call, and students maintained social distance over the […]

What is the Best Video Live Streaming Solution for TV Stations? (TV Draft)

What is the Best Video Live Streaming Solution for TV Stations Image

The TV industry is changing rapidly. After more than a half-century of dominance, traditional TV broadcasts are fading in popularity. Starting in 2015, young millennials (ages 14-25) began watching more video on digital devices than on television. This trend is only accelerating since then. In response, many TV stations are shifting to the use of a video live […]

Setting Up Password Protected Live Streaming with Dacast

    Dacast is a secure streaming solution equipped with the tools you need to add password protection to your live streaming content. We’ve put together a few simple steps on how to have your live stream password protected. Adding Password Protection to Live Streams Click on the Edit Button (which appears as a pencil […]