Search Results for: live streaming

Lecture Capture: The Complete Guide to E-Learning Software

Lecture Capture: The Complete Guide to E-Learning Software Image

Online education is experiencing an unprecedented boom, from early childhood education all the way through post-graduate programs. Whether students are studying online to progress toward graduation, or if they’re just casual consumers of educational material, every online student deserves a seamless online lecture viewing experience. To give students high-quality recorded educational content, you need professional […]

What is VP9 and Does Dacast Support It?

A What is VP9 and Does Dacast Support It? VP9 is a proprietary codec that was developed by On2Technologies in May 2003. It is also called the TrueMotion video codec. VP9 is a lossy video compression format and is often used by JavaFX, Adobe Flash and Flash Video Files. Dacast does NOT recommend using VP9. […]

Create an IOS/Android App to Listen to Dacast Streams

Yes, it is possible to create an iOS or Android app to listen to streams hosted on Dacast. In fact, mobile streaming is becoming more and more important for both audio and video, and Dacast is fully equipped with the tools you need to make it a success. In this post, we’re going to touch […]