Search Results for: Video on Demand (VOD)

Virtual Graduation Live Streaming: What You Need to Know [2023 Update]

Virtual Graduation Live Streaming_ What You Need to Know Image

Schools use live video broadcasting for many things, including remote learning for students, and live streaming sporting events and theater productions.  Since the coronavirus outbreak, students, high schools, and universities have been forced to step into a “new normal”. That meant most teaching happened over a zoom call, and students maintained social distance over the […]

Front-End Engineer

Front-End Engineer   Dacast est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de streaming et de vidéos en ligne qui a été régulièrement sélectionné comme leader du streaming “Over the Top”.  Dacast est une plateforme professionnelle de diffusion de live et vidéo à la demande (VOD) destinée en premier lieu aux petites et moyennes entreprises souhaitant avoir un […]

The Ultimate Guide to Live-to-VOD Archiving for Professional Broadcasters

The Ultimate Guide to Live-to-VOD Archiving for Professional Broadcasters Image

Live streaming is a very important tool in the professional world. It allows businesses and organizations to interact and engage with their audiences in real-time. While live streaming events help to make some gatherings and activities more accessible, attendance may be limited due to scheduling conflicts. For example, if you are live streaming a concert, […]

Can I Insert Closed Captions on a Dacast Live Stream?

A Can I Insert Closed Captions on a Dacast Live Stream?   What is a Closed Caption? Closed captions refer to the visual display of the audio in a program, such as a TV broadcast. The standards widely used for online video are: – CEA-608, also known as Line 21 – CEA-708, the latest standard […]

Tutorial de grabación de transmisión en vivo

Versión en inglés aquí. La opción “Live Stream Recording” le brinda la posibilidad de grabar su transmisión en vivo y compartirla como un vídeo a la carta (VOD) con el fin de extender su experiencia de difusión. Mantenga una grabación de sus eventos en vivo y brinde a sus espectadores la posibilidad de volver a […]