Search Results for: Monetization and Paywall

How to Host and Embed an HLS Live Stream on Your Website

How to Host and Embed an HLS Live Stream on Your Website Image

Technology and industry standards continue to evolve. As such, so too does live streaming technology. New standards and features like HLS streaming improve the viewer experience. With this continuous betterment in technology and live streaming video streams evermore popular, it’s vital organizations using them stay competitive. Now that HTML5 video has replaced Adobe Flash as […]

How to Create a Video Monetization Strategy in 5 Steps [2024 Update]

How to Create a Video Monetization Strategy in 5 Steps Image

A solid video monetization strategy presents a tremendous opportunity for today’s broadcasters. Organizations of all sizes are using live streaming, video on demand, and OTT technologies to distribute content quickly and effectively while generating revenue at the same time. With traditional cable and satellite networks rolling out their own video subscription plans, it can feel […]

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms – What You Need to Know Image

Video monetization platforms continue to create a variety of new business opportunities as skyrocketing growth has normalized into the widespread adoption of live streaming video in every format on every device.  Streaming research shows that video ads grew by 46% last year, with live content doubling its market share. Not to mention that online viewership […]

The Professional Guide to Video Monetization

The Professional Guide to Video Monetization Image

  By 2032, the live streaming industry is projected to reach $520.7 billion up from $70.2 billion reached in 2023. The video industry is exploding and thousands of businesses are getting involved or mobilizing to do so. This blog will share professional tips for pay-per-view video monetization. Overall, 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video […]

Streaming Codecs for Video and Audio: What Broadcasters Need to Know in 2024

Streaming Codecs for Video and Audio_ What Broadcasters Need to Know Image

As a broadcaster, you should understand the technology behind your broadcasting. More specifically, it’s a good idea to know what codecs are and the role they play. Codecs affect your streaming equipment needs, compatibility, budgets, bandwidth needs, video, quality and more. Moreover, using the best codecs available can keep you on the cutting edge of […]