Does Streaming on Facebook Consume Video Bandwidth?

Yes, just like any other streaming on Dacast, streaming on Facebook consumes video bandwidth. The more people that watch the video, the more bandwidth your Dacast account uses. It doesn’t matter if it’s via your site or Facebook Bandwidth is treated the same, no matter where the viewer is accessing the content. This applies to […]

How Does Overage (Playback) Protection Work for Bandwidth?

Dacast - Live Streaming and On Demand Video Platform

  Bandwidth overage protection is how Dacast keeps live streams up and running when users are out of bandwidth. The way this works is whenever you run out of bandwidth, the system will order the amount that you have selected under “Playback Protection.”  For example, if you selected 50 GB of “Playback Protection,” the system […]

FFmpeg Live Streaming on the Dacast Platform for MacOS

Are you interested in FFmpeg live streaming on Dacast under Mac OS with FFmpeg? This guide provides a step-by-step explanation to get you started! To stream on Dacast under Linux with FFmpeg, click here. Requirements: You will need to compile FFmpeg with the help of brew ( and specific librtmp parameters detailed below. Development tools: […]

TriCaster Streaming: How to Live Stream with Dacast

  Why Use TriCaster? Dacast is completely compatible with flash-supporting encoders, including the NewTek TriCaster. Getting set up to record over a TriCaster is easy! Just follow the steps below. Note: this tutorial is made for a TC1 and Advanced Edition Version 2 & 3. For more information, please visit NewTek knowledge base. TriCaster Streaming […]