Buscar Resultados para: monetize video

Las 20 mejores plataformas OTT para crear tu propio servicio de streaming de aquí a 2025

The way we consume entertainment content, particularly video, has changed drastically over the last decade. The number of people turning to the internet for news, livestreaming, entertainment, education, and more has skyrocketed. The OTT platforms market is powered by over-the-top (OTT) video technology. The OTT video services market is consistently rising, predicted to be  worth $247 billion by 2027. Businesses are hopping […]

Streaming VOD – Qué es y cómo funciona con OTT [2024 Update]

VOD Streaming – What It Is and How It Works with OTT Image

The amount of TV people watch has been declining for many years. Conversely, OTT (over-the-top) video platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV+ have increased. Reflecting this, streaming online videos through these video streaming platforms is expected to perpetually increase between 2024 and 2029 by a total of 936.9 million users, or […]

Agregadores OTT – La guía definitiva para 2025

Cuando se trata de consumir medios de comunicación y entretenimiento, el pueblo ha hablado: la televisión por cable está fuera y los contenidos “over-the-top” están dentro. En número de personas que utilizaban OTT a principios de 2025 fue de la asombrosa cifra de 3.920 millones, y las previsiones para el futuro no hacen más que […]