Lake Junaluska provides live broadcasting to a very large and growing audience

Lake Junaluska provides live broadcasting to a very large and growing audience

With Dacast, the Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center provides live video streaming to a large audience. Their live broadcasts are capturing the attention of thousands, inside and outside the US.

Lake Junaluska boasts audiences of over 30,000 with growing viewership.
lake junaluska conference and retreat center
Products Used
  • CDN
  • Live Streams
North America
13,650 Plays time
16 Audience locations by countries
4,230 Engagement by hours
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Major conferences with major audiences.

Lake Junaluska has previously done live broadcasting, using its own servers for stream delivery. This method has worked for them in the past, producing content to expand their reach. However, with half a dozen major conferences happening in 2012, Lake Junaluska is tasked with finding a larger-scale solution that will support a major audience for a limited time.


Easy-to-use, large-scale service 

While Lake Junaluska had done livestreaming before, both on their own and with other services, their current needs outstripped past solutions they had used.

After looking at other streaming platforms, Lake Junaluska selected Dacast in order to reach a large volume, and geographically diverse audience. The Content Delivery Network (CDN) aspect of the service was perfect to meet these increased needs, while the ease of use allowed a quick transition to Dacast?

We were looking for reliability… and so we found Dacast as our streaming provider.

Kenneth Ratcliffe -


Larger reach, increased satisfaction Lake Junaluska was able to reach a total of 30,000 thousand in the US, simultaneously, from their live streaming without a hitch. The audience was able to watch for, on average, an hour. 

The increased server infrastructure, with points of presence all over the world, enabled Lake Junaluska to also capture viewers from outside of the US to watch their content for the first time.

Due to the ease of use, setup was a quick 15 minutes before getting started, while video quality was excellent. 

The system analytics also allowed for great granularity in reporting, with the ability to break down precisely where their viewership was coming from and celebrate the large increase.

“Foremost, we were looking to cater to a larger audience. Dacast excelled and was able to meet the demands of our very big events”. 

13,650 Plays time
16 Audience locations by countries
4,230 Engagement by hours

About Lake Junaluska

With Dacast’s video streaming platforms, Lake Junaluska provides live broadcasting to a very large, growing audience, capturing the attention of thousands inside and outside the US. Since 1913, the Lake Junaluska Conference & Retreat Center has been home to thousands of events and worship services. Over 150,000 people attend Lake Junaluska annually through annual Conferences, Southeastern Jurisdiction (SEJ) ministry programs, church retreats, and more.

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