Digital Execs Recruitment is using video hunting to pave the way to the future of HR with Dacast

Digital Execs Recruitment is using video hunting to pave the way to the future of HR with Dacast

Through its partnership with Dacast, Digital Execs Recruitment has redefined the recruitment experience, embracing the future of talent acquisition with confidence and efficiency.
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Products Used
  • VODs
+ 300 Videos
17 Audience Locations by countries
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Fulfilling the Quest for a Reliable Solution with Dacast App

As an entrepreneur, the CEO searched first for a cost-effective and efficient solution to modernize its process and communication channels. He also needed a reliable video hosting service. With video being essential for conducting business, finding a dependable solution was paramount. Digital Execs Recruitment discovered Dacast through online research and positive reviews.

“Primarily, it’s me, so maintaining tight revenues and margins is crucial. That’s why I seek a cost-effective provider offering consistent reliability, enabling efficiency, and minimizing the need for troubleshooting.” stated Digital Execs Recruitment.


Dacast platform’s user-friendly interface, seamless upload capabilities, and responsive customer support stood out, aligning perfectly with the company’s requirements for simplicity, reliability, and affordability.

Implementing Dacast for Streamlined Recruitment

The implementation of Dacast was swift and straightforward for Digital Execs Recruitment With the ability to easily upload and share video interviews via secure links, the company streamlined its recruitment process, providing clients with engaging video job descriptions and showcasing talent through personalized video interviews.

“Right away, Dacast was easy to use, the UI was logical and I found my way in a few clicks like I made the tool myself” smiled Ian.

Primarily, it's me, so maintaining tight revenues and margins is crucial. That's why I seek a cost-effective provider offering consistent reliability, enabling efficiency, and minimizing the need for troubleshooting.

Ian Benjamin - Founder


Measurable Success and Future Growth

Digital Execs Recruitment measures its success with tangible metrics, utilizing the analytics provided by the Dacast App. CEO Ian has been able to gain valuable insights into candidate engagement and client feedback. Additionally, he can track the number of times videos were viewed and analyze viewer behavior, enabling him to follow up with clients and gather feedback on candidates effectively.

With Dacast’s reliable platform, the company has achieved its goals of being recognized for video hunting paving the way for future growth and expansion.

“I am confident to say that candidate experience from me to other recruiters is in excess 50% more favorable compared to other recruiters, albeit I’ve not carried out research my number is based on qualitative feedback”

Looking Ahead with Dacast

As Digital Execs Recruitment  continues to evolve and grow, the company plans to further leverage Dacast’s platform to accommodate its expanding team and enhance its recruitment capabilities. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Taylor & Faith Recruitment remains dedicated to providing exceptional service to its clients and candidates alike, thanks to a rock-solid technical partner like Dacast.

“As my team grows, they will also use the platform too. Keep up the great work Dacast team” expressed Ian Benjamin, CEO of Digital Execs Recruitment .

In conclusion, through its partnership with Dacast, Digital Execs Recruitment  has redefined the recruitment experience, embracing the future of talent acquisition with confidence and efficiency. With a steadfast commitment to honesty, integrity, and hard work, Digital Execs Recruitment  continues to elevate the hiring process, one video at a time.

+ 300 Videos
17 Audience Locations by countries

About Digital Execs Recruitment

With a decade-long commitment to honesty, integrity, and hard work, Digital Execs Recruitment specializes in connecting top-tier talent with leading organizations across various industries, primarily focusing on Sales, Digital Marketing, and Data & Analytics professionals within the UK and beyond.

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