How to Transcribe Video for Better Engagement and Compliance

How to Transcribe Video for Better Engagement and Compliance Image

One of the key things in the digital landscape is how to use your content best to generate more returns. Video transcription is turning the anecdote around for businesses they have used to find reasons to break specific protocols and standards. This ensures that your streaming video is available to more users but adds text content, which helps you rankings in search engines.

In addition, your videos become more usable for repurposing. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of transcribing videos and how it can enhance engagement and ensure compliance with accessibility standards. We will cover the benefits of video transcription, the best methods for transcribing videos, and demonstrate how Dacast’s streaming solutions can help organizations in different sectors take their video strategy to the next level.

Table of Contents

  • Why Should Businesses Transcribe a Video
  • The Features of Transcription Apps and Software
  • The Benefits of Video-To-Text Converter Transcription Services
  • The Best Methods to Transcribe Video to Text
  • How Dacast’s Video Transcription Solutions Help Various Industries
  • The Workflows of Text from Video Transcription
  • Conclusion

Why Should Businesses Transcribe Video?

The king of content is video. However, companies must ensure their videos are easily available, searchable, and adaptable to fully capitalize on their potential. 

Videos that have been transcribed become invaluable resources that improve user engagement and content retrieval while adhering to accessibility guidelines. Here are some reasons why businesses should transcribe videos:


  1. Accessibility Compliance: Businesses must follow accessibility regulations like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Transcriptions promote inclusivity for a wider range of users, such as non-native speakers and those with auditory processing disorders.
  2. Legal and Compliance Documentation: Precise transcriptions produce exact transcripts of significant gatherings, discussions, and speeches, often essential for legal and regulatory compliance. They support the upkeep of audit trails and guarantee adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Enhanced Features for Employees

  1. Searchability and Information Retrieval: Transcriptions allow search engines to properly index video information, increasing its discoverability. Employee productivity and efficiency can increase by quickly searching for relevant material within internal documents.
  2. Improved Communication and Training: Employees can more easily review and comprehend the content when transcribing training sessions and meetings. It enhances internal communication and training procedures.
  3. Content Repurposing and Marketing: Transcriptions can be repurposed into blog pieces, social media updates, newsletters, and more. Search engines can index the written content and increase the company’s online visibility.
  4. Efficiency in Note-Taking and Knowledge Management: Employees may easily refer to particular segments of videos using transcriptions. This simplifies knowledge management procedures by enabling the development of an extensive knowledge base.

Customer Support

  1. Improved Customer Support: Transcriptions improve customer service by improving the caliber and usability of training materials for customer care staff.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement and Retention: Thanks to transcriptions, employees and clients can read along with the film. Transcripts support a variety of learning styles and improve understanding and retention. You can also transcribe videos and translate them into multiple languages.
  3. Enhanced Content Analysis and Insights: Through transcriptions, businesses can examine video information for trends, insights, and patterns. In addition to helping find and extract pertinent keywords for marketing and content initiatives.

Transcription of videos not only meets accessibility laws but also increases audience segmentation. It makes the search on the web more comfortable and easier, makes information more accessible, attracts more traffic, and improves internal effectiveness. 

The Features of Transcription Apps and Software

Transcribing software and apps offer various features to help make the process effective and user-friendly. Businesses benefit greatly from these characteristics, which improve transcriptions’ accuracy, usefulness, and accessibility.

Time-Stamped Transcriptions

Time-stamped transcriptions offer accurate markers that let viewers jump to particular film segments. This function is crucial for quickly finding key parts of lengthy videos facilitating effective content assessment and analysis.

Speaker Identification

This function improves context and clarity by differentiating between speakers in a video. It makes transcripts more accurate and understandable by indicating who is speaking at any given moment, especially in situations with multiple speakers, such as meetings and interviews.

Automatic Transcription Tools

Automatic transcription techniques use AI and ML to swiftly and reliably translate spoken speech into text. These technologies greatly decrease the time and effort needed for manual transcription, speeding up and lowering the cost of the procedure.

Editable Text and Interactive Transcripts

Users can edit and modify the transcriptions using editable text tools. This guarantees that the final transcript is accurate and conveys the intended message. With interactive transcripts, users can jump to a specific video segment by clicking on text within the transcript. This interactivity improves the user experience.

Real-Time Transcription and Export Options

Real-time transcription offers instantaneous text output for live events and broadcasts. This feature is especially helpful for live streaming, increasing accessibility and engagement. Transcription apps commonly export transcripts in TXT, SRT, or PDF format. Based on these parameters, users can select the format they need for sharing, documentation, or additional processing.

The Benefits of Video-to-Text Converter Transcription Services

Businesses can greatly benefit from transcribing videos into text since it can improve accessibility and content management. Here are some ways that your company can profit from video-to-text converter transcribing services: 

Improved Searchability and SEO

A transcript helps make your video even more searchable. Because the transcribed text is searchable, search engines can index your video better, and users can find it through organic search. Additional exposure is important and will increase web traffic, benefiting your website’s overall SEO performance.

Enhanced User Engagement

Producing transcriptions appeals to people with a variety of learning preferences, in turn increasing engagement. In this way, users who would rather read the content than watch the video version have it served up how they like. Clickable text in an interactive transcript adds to the stickiness and accessibility of content.

Content Repurposing

Transcripts have many other uses, but they are commonly used for repurposing content. Transcribe also allows businesses to shape that text into blog posts, social media updates, newsletters, e-books, and guides. 

That way, the original video content is maximized, which helps SEO by adding more indexable text content. This ensures your content gets a wider destination on more video platforms.

Improved Note-Taking

A written transcript of video content makes it easier for workers and viewers to take notes. This enables them to jump quickly to parts of the footage instead of rewatching the complete video. This is especially useful for training, learning materials, and detailed presentations, where key points aid learning.

Increased Reach

Transcriptions make your content a global asset by making it easier to translate into other languages. Translated transcripts will make your content accessible to audiences who are not native English speakers, expanding your content reach and, with it, engagement. Since your content is more widely available, this contributes to a larger outreach.

Content Analysis

Transcriptions serve as the basis for nuanced content analysis. Businesses can use the text to perform analyses that impact decisions and strategies through trends and patterns. Aggregating keywords from transcriptions is the added benefit you realize need along with your medium help from SEO and content optimization. 

Using this analysis will allow businesses to see what the viewers want and the general interests of viewers, consequently being able to create better content and marketing strategies for their respective consumers.

The Best Methods to Transcribe Video to Text

There are several ways to turn video material into text; each has benefits and uses. Factors including the amount of content, budget, use cases, and accuracy requirements all play a role in selecting the best transcription technique. Check out these amazing methods to transcribe video to text:

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Tools

ASR tools use complex algorithms to translate audible language into written text automatically. These famous tools in this category are characterized by their speed and scalability, making them ideal for working with vast content. Although the precision may not be up to the level of human transcriptions, technological improvements are making it up and closing the gap.


  • Speed: Produces transcripts rapidly, cutting down on turnaround time.
  • Cost-effective: Usually less expensive than services involving human transcribing.
  • Scalability: Effectively manages large-scale transcribing requirements.

Popular Tools:

  • Capabilities for integration and real-time transcribing.
  • Google Cloud Speech-to-Text: Multilingual support and high accuracy.
  • IBM Watson Speech to Text: Extensive customization capabilities.
  • (Automated): Automatic transcription paired with an easy-to-use interface.

Best For:

  • Rapid Transcribing Requirements: Perfect for quickly producing transcripts.
  • High Content Volumes: Ideal for transcribing in bulk

Human Transcription Services

With human transcription services, audio transcription is done by qualified transcribers. This approach is renowned for its exceptional contextual awareness and accuracy. More skillfully than automatic technologies, human transcribers can handle complex information and a variety of accents.


Accuracy: Greater precision, particularly for intricate or specialized material.

Context Understanding: Capable of managing context, subtleties, and accents.

Popular Tools:

  • Excellent transcribing by humans with short turnaround times.
  • TranscribeMe: Reliable and reasonably priced transcribing services.
  • Scribie: Provides possibilities for both automated and manual transcription.
  • GoTranscript: Focuses on precise and thorough transcribing.

Best For:

  • High-Accuracy Requirements: Best for transcriptions that require preciseness.
  • Complex Content: Fits well with sophisticated or technical writing.

Hybrid Approach

The precision of human editing combined with the speed of ASR technologies is what the hybrid approach offers. This process guarantees a good balance between accuracy and efficiency. Businesses can achieve quick turnaround times without sacrificing accuracy by utilizing both technologies.


  • Balance of Accuracy and Speed: It balances a human method’s ASR efficiency and precision.
  • Cost-Effective: More accurate than fully automated approaches and less expensive than purely human transcribing.

Popular Tools:

  • Sonix: Human editing possibilities combined with automated transcription.
  • Trint: Offers automated transcribing with editing and review features.

Best For:

  • Accurate and Dependable Transcriptions: Perfect for companies that want accuracy and speed.
  • High Precision Large Volume Transcription: Ideal for lengthy texts that need accurate transcription.

In-House Transcription

Using internal resources and instruments, in-house transcription involves transcribing video recordings. More personalization and control are available with this approach. It enables companies to retain confidentiality and guarantee that certain industry jargon is correctly recorded.


  • Control: More authority over the security and transcription procedure.
  • Customization: Adapted to particular requirements and business jargon.

Popular Tools:

  • Express Scribe: A well-known manual transcription tool.
  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking: A great voice-to-text tool for transcription.

Ideal For:

  • Continual Needs for Transcription: Perfect for companies that need to transcribe frequently.
  • Expert Knowledge: Appropriate for material needing particular industry jargon.

Crowdsourced Transcription

With crowdsourced transcription, several people can transcribe videos at a reduced cost. The spread effort of this approach may make it faster, but quality control may be difficult.


  • Cost-Effective: Usually less expensive than expert services.
  • Speed: It may be quicker due to several contributors working at once.

Popular Tools:

  • Amazon Mechanical Turk: A great crowdsourcing tool for various tasks, including video transcription.
  • TranscribeMe (Crowdsourced): Another great choice for crowdsourced transcription.

Best For:

  • Non-Critical Content: Ideal for less delicate materials.
  • Budget-Conscious Initiatives: Perfect for projects with a limited budget.

Specialized Software

Specialized transcription software, made for particular businesses, offers customized features and integrations. Customization options and industry-specific terminology databases are common features of these systems, which improve accuracy.


  • Customization: Features designed for particular sectors of the economy (e.g., legal, medical).
  • Integration: For streamlined procedures, it frequently integrates with other products and workflows.

Popular Tools:

  • Sonix: A feature-rich transcription tool tailored to the needs of the industry.
  • Trint: Provides sophisticated editing capabilities and platform integration.

Best For:

  • Industry Specific Needs: Perfect for the legal, medical, and other specialist professions.
  • Business Solutions: Ideal for companies who need to integrate workflow seamlessly.

How Dacast’s Video Transcription Solutions Help Various Industries

Based on use cases of different industries, Dacast facilitates your content management and enhances the engagement quality, which we know attracts more active and satisfied private room viewers.

In the case of transcription needs, Dacast offers manual subtitles services for compliance, SEO content, video repurposing, type-based marketing materials, and more. Here’s how Dacast’s video transcription solutions help various industries:

1. Education

Purpose: Enhances Learning Materials for Students

Dacast’s live streaming platform offers a comprehensive solution for educational institutions by providing a robust platform for online and distance learning. This platform is designed to make video content more accessible and engaging, enhancing the overall learning experience for students.

Video transcription can improve teaching resources by allowing students to read along with videos. This approach enhances understanding and retention, especially for complex topics.

This is particularly useful for distance and online e-learning programs where the same content may need to be replayed and reviewed. Transcriptions serve as valuable reference points for students, aiding in note-taking and reinforcing learning outside of lesson time.

Although Dacast itself does not offer transcription services, it does support the addition of VOD subtitles, which can be manually created by video producers.

Adding subtitles can help make videos accessible to a wider audience, including non-native speakers and those with auditory processing disorders. This feature ensures that educational content is engaging and accessible, promoting efficient learning.

By integrating subtitles into educational videos, Dacast enhances the overall effectiveness of learning materials, improves accessibility, and increases student engagement.

2. Business

Purpose: Facilitates Meeting Documentation and Accessibility

Dacast’s live streaming platform provides businesses with a subtitling service to keep accurate records of meetings, training sessions, and presentations. This feature is crucial for maintaining thorough documentation, which can be easily accessed at any point in time, thereby improving overall productivity.

Businesses and enterprise can use transcription to record meetings, training sessions, and presentations accurately. It helps to have all the important things documented in one place, which you can easily fetch at any point in time, eventually improving overall productivity. 

Turning spoken words into text enables companies to build a searchable repository of their communication. Using Dacast subtitle services for business, you can have your spoken material subtitled and saved in your account, giving you the depth of insight you need to make the best, most well-informed decisions.  

You can then connect these subtitles to other business tools to improve workflow efficiency and collaboration. In addition, making content available in text format can allow staff with hearing difficulties to participate, promoting an inclusive workplace for all.

By integrating transcriptions and subtitles into business videos, Dacast enhances record-keeping, decision-making, workflow efficiency, and accessibility, thereby improving overall business operations.

3. Media and Entertainment

Purpose: Improves Content Accessibility and Engagement

Dacast’s live streaming platform provides media and entertainment companies with a robust solution to deliver high-quality video content to a broad audience. This platform ensures that videos are accessible, engaging, and easy to navigate, which is crucial for reaching a larger audience, including those who are hearing impaired.

For media and entertainment companies like broadcasters, video transcription is an essential tool that enables viewers to easily search for specific content. Thus, these companies can reach a larger audience, including those who are hearing impaired. 

By delivering text versions of video content, these companies can ensure that all their viewers enjoy and take advantage of their media, regardless of their hearing status. Dacast offers manual subtitle services for companies that want to ensure their video content is available to all and as accessible as possible

These solutions allow companies to attract a broader audience and create an engaging experience for viewers. Dacast also helps media companies deliver high-quality video to any device to reach a larger audience by sharing their content online and making it searchable.

4. Video Streaming

Purpose: Enhances Live Streaming Accessibility and Engagement

The video platform provides an effective solution for delivering high-quality live broadcasts to a global audience. This ensures that live content is engaging, accessible, and easily integrated with various features to enhance the viewing experience.

Dacast offers the service of manual subtitles. These subtitles ensure live broadcasts are accessible to viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as to those who are not fluent in the language of the broadcast. This feature makes the content more inclusive and widens the potential audience.

Real-time subtitles and transcriptions can significantly improve viewer engagement by making live content more understandable and relatable. This is particularly important for live events where real-time comprehension is crucial. Subtitles help keep the audience engaged by providing clear and immediate access to the spoken content

Dacast’s platform is multilingual. It can create manual subtitles in various languages. This capability ensures that content can reach a global audience, making it accessible and engaging for viewers worldwide. By offering content in multiple languages, broadcasters can expand their reach and connect with a more diverse audience.

By integrating manual subtitles into live streaming videos, Dacast enhances accessibility, engagement, and usability, ensuring that live broadcasts reach a wider and more diverse audience.

5. Marketing

Purpose: Enhances Content Marketing Strategies

Dacast’s video marketing platform provides marketers with a powerful tool to deliver high-quality video content that enhances content marketing strategies. These features ensure that videos are easily accessible, engaging, and capable of reaching a broad audience.

Video transcripts are an excellent way to repurpose videos into blogs, social media posts, and other marketing materials. This enables marketers to reach a wider audience by catering to different content consumption preferences.

Using transcriptions, marketers can unlock the full potential of their video content. Transcripts allow viewers to follow along with the video, improving understanding and retention. This can lead to increased engagement and more effective video marketing campaigns.

While Dacast does not offer built-in transcription services, it offers the services of manual subtitles. These subtitles can make video content accessible to a wider audience, including individuals with hearing impairments and non-native speakers. This inclusivity can enhance the brand’s reputation and broaden its reach.

By integrating manual subtitles into marketing videos, Dacast helps marketers enhance their content marketing strategies, improve accessibility, and increase engagement, ensuring effective and far-reaching marketing efforts.

6. Sales

Purpose: Boosts Sales Content Accessibility and Customer Engagement

Dacast’s video selling software provides professional sales teams with a robust tool to deliver high-quality video presentations and product demonstrations. This platform enhances the accessibility and engagement of sales content, making it easier to reach potential clients.

Transcribing a video is beneficial to your business because it increases the availability and accessibility of it to consumers during the sales presentation or product demonstration, leading to higher engagement and closing rates. 

A transcription allows you to write down your sales content and share, review, and refer your potential clients back to it. This makes it accessible to all potentials, such as the hearing impaired or non-English speakers.

Dacast transcription services enable sales teams to improve the accessibility and impact of their video content. Dacast features manual subtitles, allowing salespeople to upcycle their video presentations into product guides, FAQ folders, and other sales collateral. 

This composition then makes it easier for all potential clients under any circumstance to review and become familiar with the sales feature since it has to be formatted in different options to suit the format of the release.

7. Government

Purpose: Supports Accessibility and Documentation for Governmental Videos

Dacast’s streaming video solution for government offers local municipalities and agencies a robust solution for delivering high-quality video content that complies with accessibility standards and increases transparency in public communications.

Video transcriptions help government agencies comply with accessibility standards, making critical public information available to all citizens, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Subtitling government videos ensures inclusivity and adherence to legal requirements.

Transcriptions provide an accurate record of governmental communications. This is essential for maintaining transparency and providing public access to important information. Transcriptions can be quickly and easily integrated into government websites and public records.

While Dacast does not offer built-in transcription services, it supports the addition of manual subtitles. These subtitles can be used to enhance the accessibility and documentation of governmental videos, ensuring that content is available in a format that is easy to share and review.

By integrating manual subtitles and transcriptions into governmental videos, Dacast helps agencies improve accessibility, compliance, and public engagement, ensuring that critical information is widely accessible and well-documented.

The Workflows of Text from Video Transcription

When turning video footage into text, several steps must be taken to guarantee accuracy and usability. The best techniques for efficient transcription are highlighted in this section, which offers a thorough review of these procedures. 

The section intends to improve the comprehension and use of transcribing processes by outlining these procedures, guaranteeing that the final text is precise, easily readable, and adaptable.

These procedures are necessary for video streaming because they enhance the content’s searchability, accessibility, and engagement. 

Live streaming platforms can give a better user experience, adhere to accessibility guidelines, improve search engine optimization, and offer helpful resources for various audiences, including those with hearing impairments or language hurdles, thanks to transcriptions.

1. Content Ingestion

The process of getting your video content ready for transcription starts here. It involves placing the videos on a streaming service or Content Management System (CMS), pulling out crucial metadata like tags and titles, and correctly arranging the media. This guarantees a seamless transcription procedure.

  • Video Upload: The first step is to upload videos to a content management system (CMS) or streaming platform. In doing so, the movies are arranged and made ready for transcription.
  • Extraction of Metadata: Gathering pertinent metadata, including the title, description, and tags for the video, aids in giving the transcription context.
  • File Organization: To make the transcribing process run more smoothly, ensure every video file has the proper name and is arranged accordingly.

2. Transcription Initiation

The transcription process now begins. The processing of content can be planned for regular content to guarantee timely completion, activated automatically for live feeds, or started manually by users or administrators.

  • Manual Request: Users or administrators can manually request specific video transcriptions.
  • Automatic Trigger: To guarantee synchronization with the video, transcription for live streams can begin automatically as soon as the streaming starts.
  • Scheduling: Set up regular transcribing times for recurrent content to guarantee prompt processing.

3. Transcription Methods

This step entails transcribing your video information in a variety of methods. For speedier transcriptions, use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR); for more accurate transcriptions, employ human transcribers; or utilize both for optimal results.

  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): For a quick and affordable fix, use AI-based solutions to transcribe the audio in real-time or during post-processing.
  • Human Transcription: Using qualified transcribers for text that requires greater accuracy or specialization; these transcribers frequently improve on preliminary ASR drafts.
  • Combined Approach: ASR is used for initial drafts and human review to balance speed and accuracy.

4. Quality Assurance and Editing

The main thing is Quality. In this step, human editors review and edit transcripts, identify speakers, fix timestamps, and ensure the text is consistent throughout.

  • First Review: To verify accuracy and rectify any errors, human editors go over transcripts generated by ASR.
  • Speaker Identification: Identify and tag various speakers in the transcript to improve context and clarity.
  • Timestamp Adjustment: Accurately lining up timestamps with the video to enable precise navigation.
  • Consitency Check: Verifying uniform vocabulary and layout across the transcript.

5. Formatting and Encoding

After transcriptions are accurate, formatting is required. This entails translating them into other languages, turning them into common captioning formats like SRT or VTT, and modifying the style to guarantee readability.

  • Formatting Captions: Transcripts are formatted according to standard captioning standards of streaming protocols.
  • Translations and Subtitles: To reach a worldwide audience, transcripts should be translated into several languages and subtitled.
  • Style Adjustments: Ensure the transcript is readable and accessible by following style requirements.

6. Integration and Synchronization

This involves integrating your transcription with your site’s various tools and services, embedding your captions into videos, and creating interactive elements that connect text to particular video segments.

  • Caption Embedding: Adding captions automatically to the video or giving viewers the choice to do so.
  • Interactive Features: Users can click the text in the transcript to take them to particular video portions.
  • Platform Integration: Making sure transcribing works flawlessly with other tools and functionalities on the platform.

7. Publishing

Your transcribed videos are now prepared for publication. This entails archiving them for later use, showing real-time transcriptions during live streaming, and enabling VOD on-demand delivery.

  • On-Demand Videos: Transcribed videos are put online for quick watching.
  • Live Streaming: During live streaming, real-time transcriptions are displayed, and any inaccuracies are fixed by editing after the event.
  • Archiving: Keeping videos transcribed in a readily available archive for later use.

8. Accessibility Compliance Check

Your transcriptions must adhere to accessibility guidelines such as WCAG and ADA. This entails user testing, verification, and feedback collection to continuously enhance usability.

  • Standards Verification: Confirm that transcriptions adhere to ADA and WCAG accessibility standards.
  • User Testing: To ensure the transcriptions are understandable and easy to use, usability testing is done on real users.
  • Feedback Loop: Constantly gathering input to enhance the accessibility of transcriptions.

9. SEO and Search Integration

Boost your videos’ discoverability. This stage includes ensuring transcripts are indexed by search engines, enhancing internal search functionality, and refining keywords for better SEO.

  • Indexing: Make sure search engines index transcripts to increase how easily people can find the video content.
  • Improvements to Internal Search: Adding the ability for users to do internal searches within the transcribed text to the platform.
  • Keyword Optimization: Adding important keywords to transcriptions to make them better for SEO.

10. User Interaction and Feedback

Connect with your audience by making transcripts easily downloadable, soliciting input on the accuracy of the transcriptions, and incorporating the community in problem-solving and feature recommendations.

  • User Access: Enabling users to engage and download transcripts with ease.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Gathering user opinions about the usability and quality of the transcription to promote further development.
  • Community Involvement: Asking users to report transcribing problems and make suggestions for improvement.

11. Maintenance and Updates

Maintain the accuracy of your transcriptions by adding new content, fixing mistakes regularly, updating the CMS, and putting review cycles in place to ensure they meet high standards.

  • Updates to Transcripts: Correct errors and add new information regularly.
  • Content Management: Maintaining CMS transcriptions to ensure they are current and easily accessible.
  • Review Cycles: Review cycles should be implemented regularly to ensure high standards for transcribing quality.

Adhering to these thorough protocols can help businesses improve accessibility, usability, and overall engagement by ensuring that their video content is transcribed reliably and quickly.


This article addressed the necessity of video transcription, reviewed different transcription methods, and showed how Dacast fits the needs of businesses in different verticals. By making it more accessible and discoverable, transcription enhances your video, increases user engagement with content repurposing, and boosts SEO. 

Correct transcription supports legal documentation. One can also learn to talk from excellent transcription and analyze the course material through good content analysis.

Adding transcribing services to your workflow will make a big difference in your video streaming approach. Transcription guarantees that your material reaches its most potential across various channels, including business live streaming, on-demand hosting, OTT solutions, video marketing tools, and monetization strategies.

Incorporate transcription services today in your digital strategy and avoid any accessibility violations. Transcribe your video content today and unleash the power of transcriptions for an increased reach and a more enduring impact. Start using Dacast’s streaming video services today to enhance your transcriptions strategy and reach a broader audience.

Dacast is a complete video streaming solution for any business, organization or creator. With Dacast’s 14-day free trial, you can try the feature-rich platform and experience the benefits. Signing up is quick, easy and requires no commitments.

Get Started for Free

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Jon Whitehead

Jon is the Chief Operating Officer at Dacast. He has over 20 years of experience working in Digital Marketing with a specialty in AudioVisual and Live Streaming technology.