Secure Streaming Solution for Worldwide Enterprise Video Delivery

Secure Streaming Solution for Worldwide Enterprise Video Delivery


By 2020, there will be almost a million minutes of video per second crossing the internet. Much of that will be driven by enterprise video delivery. Large businesses are dedicating substantial budgets to online video. Whether for OTT, events, training, education, entertainment, or something else, video can help your enterprise succeed.

The global enterprise video market is expected to reach $40.84 billion by 2022. That’s an annual growth rate of more than 20 percent. Much of that growth is enabled by online video platforms. Enterprises use these services to host and deliver video content at scale.

In this article, we’ll look at a secure video streaming solution for enterprise video delivery. We’ll examine a few of the problems you might face, including security, organization, and global delivery. And we’ll discuss how to solve these issues. Let’s start by considering why enterprise video delivery is key for businesses today.

Goal: Your Business Needs Bulletproof Enterprise Video Security

Many enterprises need secure video delivery. Security firms are measuring an increase in piracy, hacking, and other digital attacks every year. The costs of cybercrime could reach $6 trillion by the year 2021. In the U.S. alone, piracy costs $29.2 billion annually.

Enterprise video delivery requires security. Your content is your business. Therefore, you can’t skimp on security. Instead, you need a secure video platform from the beginning.

Solution: AES Encryption, Restrictions, and More

You can solve video security issues by choosing the right security features. For example, one powerful security feature is AES encryption. This technology encrypts your video in transit. If a third party intercepts your content, all they’ll get is encrypted nonsense. Without the decryption key, any data they capture is worthless. Also, this will stop people without authorization from watching the playback.

There are many other worthwhile security features, too. These include domain and IP restrictions. Domain restrictions block your streaming video from playback on unauthorized sites. Only sites you’ve “whitelisted” will workstream your videos properly. IP restrictions work similarly but are based on a different premise. They block all streaming within certain IP address ranges. This tool can help to “blacklist” certain countries and regions and “whitelist” others.

In short, you need to protect your content. To do so, look for an enterprise video delivery solution with the following security features:

  • AES encryption
  • IP and Domain restrictions
  • Secure paywall with SSL
  • Password protection

Goal: Your Business Needs to Organize a Massive Content Library

We’ve talked about secure streaming. Another major problem for enterprises is how to organize a massive content library. It can be challenging to keep track of tens of thousands of videos.

Most online video platforms are designed with “blog-style management” in mind. In other words, only the most recent videos are important. But businesses often find that older content may remain the most popular. In fact, “classic” material can have the best ROI for businesses. Asa result, an old-school organizational system isn’t sufficient for an enterprise. When you have a large and growing library, you need a powerful organization system.

So, what are the best ways to organize a massive content library?

Solution: A Powerful Video CMS

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The solution to this problem is a powerful video CMS. CMS stands for Content Management System. A CMS allows you to organize your videos. Ideally, it should provide tools for sorting your content into categories and sub-categories. Some sort of labeling system is important as well.

Another great tool to help you organize and manage your content is an API. The term API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is like a basic coding language that allows programmers to write custom code to control a service. This includes writing code for an online video platform, like Dacast.

As Avrid Dyfverman, CEO of Deportivo, explains: “APIs are like having your own MacGyver. They do a lot of hard work. Secondly, they solve a lot of tricky problems.” In other words, if you or your business don’t use APIs, you are likely to fall behind competitors while your in-house developers waste their time reinventing the wheel.

In summary, you should look for an enterprise video delivery platform that includes:

  • A video CMS for organizing large libraries of content
  • A robust video API for custom integrations

Goal: Your Business Needs to Delivery Content Globally, Including China

Over the past ten years, the number of people accessing the Internet in China has increased five-fold. In 2007 a mere 160 million Chinese had watched videos online. By 2014, this number had reached 433 million viewers. And viewership has doubled again since then.

Online video revenue in China is expected to approach $18.2 billion USD in 2019, with annual growth rates of more than 30 percent. Countless businesses recognize these trends and plan to get involved in China’s video. However, this goal presents some challenges.

Most significantly, China has a comprehensive web-blocking system known as the “Great Firewall.” This project has the effect of blocking many popular websites, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. It can also slow down Enterprise video delivery in China.

So, how can you bypass these problems with enterprise video delivery?

Solution: An OVP with a Global CDN and in-China Delivery

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The solution is an enterprise video delivery and hosting platform with in-China delivery. Many OVPs advertise “China delivery.” But when you look at the details, their servers are actually located in Hong Kong. If you’re not aware, Hong Kong exists outside the Great Firewall. That means content delivered from Hong Kong is subject to the same slowdowns as material delivered from the U.S. or elsewhere.

Therefore, enterprise video delivery into China requires a native China video host. This isn’t a simple process. It requires getting what’s called an “ICP License.” An ICP License is a permit for legally sending internet content into China. To obtain one, you must travel to China for multiple meetings with government officials.

You should also look for a video platform that includes CDN delivery. First, CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. Essentially, a CDN is a large network of servers. These servers run sophisticated load balancing software and deliver large internet content like videos as efficiently as possible to a global audience. Access to a top-tier CDN is essential for effective enterprise video delivery.

Advanced Enterprise Video Delivery & Hosting Platform

Everyone is familiar with consumer-grade video platforms. These free services work fine for sharing cat videos. But businesses need services that are more powerful and that offer professional features. This means a professional-grade OVP for enterprise video delivery.

There are various online video platforms on the market. Here at Dacast, we offer an advanced video platform for users on our premium plans and above. This service includes an advanced CMS, video API, AES encryption and other security features, and robust in-China playback. Plus, these plans provide access to Dacast’s powerful live-streaming tools.


According to Digital Journal, “The enterprise video platform market is growing steadily.” If you’re not already using an online video platform for your business, it’s a great time to get started.

We think the Dacast platform could be a great fit for your enterprise video delivery needs. Interested in giving our secure online video platform a try? Just click the button below to sign up for 14 days of free streaming (no credit card required). You can set up an account and start streaming live in a matter of minutes!

If you’re a Dacast client with special concerns about security, enterprise video delivery, or any other requirements, feel free to contact our support team directly to discuss your needs. We’re here to help! For regular tips on live streaming, as well as exclusive offers, you can join our LinkedIn group.


Max Wilbert

Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.