[INFOGRAPHIC]: 7 Tips When Choosing a Video Streaming Platform

7 Tips When Choosing a Video Streaming Platform Image


Choosing a live streaming video service provider can be confusing – there are about a million different features available, and dozens of different providers.

So, how can you narrow things down and make the right choice?

Fret not, because we’re here to help. To guide you through this process, we’ve put together this great infographic: 7 tips when choosing a video streaming platform. This graphic poses a simple set of seven questions and considerations that will help guide you to choose the right service for you.

Click below to directly access this infographic!


As a summary, let’s review the main points made in the infographic.

1. Consider Your Goals

Every user of live video has a different goal in mind. Some want to make money, while others want as many eyeballs on their content as possible. Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s clearly defined. This will go a long way in helping you identify your needs.

2. Assess Your Needs

Your needs emerge from your goals. For example, if monetization is important to you, you’ll need a platform that supports robust payments. If control over content and licensing is a factor for you, you may want to avoid free platforms like YouTube Live. Make a list of your specific needs in this stage. However, there is no need to get too specific quite yet.

3. Determine Your Budget

Money plays a role in any decision. However, live video streaming is more affordable than ever before. There is a plan and service provider for every budget. It’s worthwhile to set a maximum monthly (or per-event) cost you’re willing to pay at this stage.

4. Think About the Future

Potted plants sometimes outgrow their enclosure and need to be repotted. So ideally, you want to plant them in a large pot that gives them room to grow. It’s the same with video streaming. Think about what features you may want in the future if you have great success. Make sure that any platforms you consider give you the headroom you need to expand in the future.

5. Use the Free Trial!

Basically every live online video host has a free trial available. Use them! Try out the different platforms and see what feels natural. What do you like? Which platforms feel confusing? How’s the support network? Take advantage of the free trial to make an informed decision.

6. Consider Which Platform Is Made for You

Here at Dacast, we love the Job to Be Done (JTBD) model. Essentially, it’s a different way of looking at a service. When you purchase a service, you’re buying something to do a job for you. Maybe that job is streaming video to a live audience. Maybe it’s to grow your audience. Maybe it’s to be easy to use. Consider what job you’re really hiring a live streaming video host to do for you. Then, look at each service provider again and choose the one that is made to solve problems just like yours.

7. Get Started!

Don’t twiddle your thumbs and waste too much time considering a million different features. In the end, it’s best to just get started. Choose a platform and start moving forward. You can always switch later. As you try out live streaming, you’ll learn how to leverage this amazing technology to help you achieve the goals you outlined in step one.


Max Wilbert

Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.