Author Archives: Suprita Kochar

Pay-Per-View Video Streaming: What It Is and How It Works [2024 Update]

Pay-Per-View Video Streaming_ What It Is and How It Works Image

Pay-per-view video hosting is a great way to monetize your content. With pay-per-view (PPV), your viewers get the option to sample your content without commitment. This alone is a powerful and enticing method to gain new viewers.  Whether it is through pay-per-view video platform events, a sports streaming website, or for a media production company–based […]

Introduction to Professional Video Hosting Solutions

Professional Video Hosting Solutions

  As you may know already, social networks are the biggest platforms for sharing video. However, these platforms are not very professional. For that reason, more and more businesses and other professional users are choosing private video hosting solutions for their content. In this article, we’ll provide an introduction to these professional video hosting services, […]

Pittsfield Community Television Case Study


Dacast aids the Pittsfield Community Television (PCTV) in providing local programming to online viewers. This community television case study highlights how the network uses Dacast to offer the best possible service to its viewers. PCTV is already accessible on three cable television channels on TimeWarner Cable. With Dacast, they are broadening their reach to online […]

The Best Alternative to YouTube for Small Businesses

The Best Alternative to YouTube for Small Businesses

  We have all seen and experienced the change in sharing content online in the past ten years. For example, I recall when people began to shift towards video sharing, as well as when YouTube was brought under Google’s umbrella in 2006. More than a decade later, YouTube is certainly the most popular streaming platform […]

Success Story: furLifeLiving & Secure Live Streaming


Through Dacast, furLifeLiving presents safe and secure live video streaming from their own site. Using embed and restriction features, they can offer tranquil pet cam footage to owners. From a dynamic multi-cam approach, viewers can follow along with the pets in their journey around the house in this original furReality programming. Want to learn more about furReality […]