Author Archives: Harmonie Duhamel

Les 20+ meilleures applications de diffusion en direct pour la radiodiffusion mobile [2023 Update.]

Posez-vous la question : préféreriez-vous regarder une vidéo de Gordon Ramsay cuisiner un steak ou lire un article à ce sujet ? Vous voudriez voir la magie s’opérer sur vidéo – et vous préféreriez que ce soit en direct et en temps réel. Le fait d’assister à l’événement en temps réel permet de mieux le […]

Le oltre 20 migliori applicazioni di streaming live per la trasmissione mobile [2023 Update.]

Chiedetevi: preferireste guardare un video di Gordon Ramsay una bistecca o leggere qualcosa al riguardo? Vorreste guardare la magia in video e preferireste che fosse trasmessa in diretta streaming in tempo reale. L’esperienza di vederlo accadere in tempo reale rende la visione migliore. E non siete gli unici; il vostro pubblico probabilmente ha lo stesso […]

How to Share Videos Privately Online With a Secure Platform

How to Share Videos Privately Online With a Secure Platform Image

Today, providing high-quality video content is vital to your business’s success. This is reflected in the fact that in 2022, 82% of global internet traffic came from video — and this trend is only expected to rise. However, not every internet user needs to or should have access to all your content. This is especially true if […]

Introducing the New Dacast Video Player

Introducing the New Dacast Video Player Image

The new Dacast player has arrived, and it looks better than ever! At Dacast, we want to make sure to provide our broadcasters and their viewers with the best viewing experience possible. This new and improved video player is designed to do just that. Here are some improvements the new Dacast player offers. 1. New […]

How to Create Case Study Videos That Convert New Customers

How to Create Case Study Videos That Convert New Customers Image

Video is a powerful sales tool, and using the words of your satisfied customers in a video makes your videos even more successful. Showing potential customers the experiences of others just like themselves on tape lends a humanizing quality to your business. Your potential customers see that your product or service does what you promise […]